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“The Scattered Melodies of Korean Gayageum Sanjo.” Lecture-performance with Jung-Hee Oh, November 7, 2015, Harvard University, Holden Chapel, Cambridge, MA.


“Earle Brown the New Englander.” Conference Paper, “Beyond Notation: An Earle Brown Symposium,” January 18-19, 2013, Northeastern University, Boston, MA.


“John Cage In Retrospect.” Colloquium presentation with David Nicholls and Rob Haskins, Department of Music, University of New Hampshire, November 8, 2012, Durham, NH.


Panelist for “John Cage Studies” with Laura Kuhn, Gordon Mumma, David W. Bernstein, Richard H. Brown, and Paul Cox. American Musicological Society, 78th Annual Meeting, November 1-4, 2012, New Orleans, LA.


“‘As Acceptable to the Ear as a Cow Bell:’ Deconstructing Beethoven in Cage’s First Construction.” Conference paper, Nief-Norf Festival, June 1-3, 2012, Furman University, Greenville, SC.


“States of Imagined Togetherness: John Cage’s Jazz Distaste and Imaginary Landscape No. 5 (1952) for Magnetic Tape.” Conference paper, meeting of the International Musicological Society, July 5-10, 2009, Conservatorium van Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


“Race and Methodology in Cage Studies.” Guest lecture for graduate seminar, “Modernism Without Organs: John Cage and the Visual Arts” (Professor Branden Joseph), March 12, 2009, Department of Art History and Archaeology, Columbia University, New York, NY.


“Indeterminacy in the Score and Film of John Cage’s Music Walk.” Guest lecture for graduate seminar, “The Cage Effect” (Professor Joachim Pissarro), November 4, 2008, Department of Art History, Hunter College, New York, NY.


“Beethoven’s Shadow on Robert Schumann and Hugo Wolf.” Pre-concert lecture for season opening concert, Williams College Chamber Players, September 7, 2007, Williamstown, MA.


“Sound Experiments in Chicago: John Cage and Improvisation.” Conference paper, The Society for American Music and The Center for Black Music Research, March 15-19, 2006, Chicago, IL.


“‘Where Angels Fear to Tread’: The Cage-Cunningham Event and Dialogue Performances.” Conference paper, “Hung Up on the Number 64,” February 4, 2006, University of Huddersfield, England.


“Making Music by Reading Aloud: John Cage as Vocalist.” Conference paper, “John Cage: Thinker-Performer,” April 16, 2005, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, England.


“‘I Give Them My Voice’: Authorship and the Vocal Music of John Cage.” Conference paper, “John Cage: Pushing the Boundaries of Music and Art,” January 27-29, 2005, University of Calgary, Canada.


“Notions of Voice in the Vocal Music of John Cage: James Joyce, Cathy Berberian, Henry David Thoreau.” Conference paper, meeting of the Pacific Southwest Chapter, American Musicological Society, February 28, 2004, Scripps College, Claremont, CA.


“The Composer-Performer Division of Labor.” Pre-concert lecture for Collegium Musicum, opening concert, First Annual Graduate Student Conference in Music Scholarship, January 30, 2004, Columbia University, New York, NY.


Bohor (1962) by Iannis Xenakis.” Multimedia presentation and program notes for “Electronic Evolution: Masterpieces of 20th-Century Multi-Channel Tape Music,” July 14, 2000, Lincoln Center Festival 2000, New York, NY.

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